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Kur telefonaa zuud izdzeestie faili???

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Māris Raugulis


Nekur tie nezūd - parasti tiek izdzēsta tikai norāde uz faila atršanās vietu - un bieži ir atjaunojami.
"Sim card data recovery software easily recovers all lost deleted text messages and phone book contact numbers from Sim card of the mobile phones. Our award winning SIM card data recovery software retrieves sim card deleted inbox, outbox or draft text messages and phone book contact numbers (last dialed or fixed numbers) from the corrupted sim card.
Memory card data recovery software recovers lost deleted pictures, images/photos, audio/video files and folders, encrypted data from the commonly used memory card storage devices. Software easily restore data even if memory card being pulled out while the memory card supported device is still in working mode."

pirms 14 gadiem  

Ainārs Zuments, pirms 14 gadiem :

Tad jau izdzēšot failus telefonā vieta netiek atbrīvota un es jaunus failus nevaru saglabāt.
Vai tu Māri nevarētu to pašu atkārtot velreiz tikai šoreiz pa latviski.

Un lai neizskatītos ka esi baigais gudrītis, ir tāda adrese:|lv|

Māris Raugulis, pirms 14 gadiem :

Teikums par izdzēšanu ir latviski. Secinājums "Tad jau" ir aplams.

Kas liedz pašam lietot savu norādīto adresi?

Māris Raugulis, pirms 14 gadiem :

"A common misconception is that the data is actually removed from the hard drive (erased) when you delete a file. Any time that a file is deleted on a hard drive, it is not erased. Instead, the tiny bit of information that points to the location of the file on the hard drive is erased. This pointer, along with other pointers for every folder and file on the hard drive, is saved in a section near the beginning of the hard drive and is used by the operating system to compile the directory tree structure. By erasing the pointer file, the actual file becomes invisible to the operating system. Eventually, the hard drive will write new data over the area where the old file is located."


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Viņi visi saskrien mikrefonā un tad izkrīt no telefona uz ielas.

pirms 14 gadiem  

Anete Siliņa, pirms 14 gadiem :

labs :D


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Telefoniem naw recycl bin :D:D:
JA izdzes tad vairs atpakal nedabut.

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