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kapēc rodas problēma cl_flushentitypacket? un kā tikt no viņas vaļā?

Datori un internets » Cits

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If you are getting CL_FlushEntityPacket Warnings this typically means that either:

* Your internet connection or the server's internet connection is having problems.
* Your connection is overloaded, for example running a peer-to-peer filesharing application in the background.
* There are other computers on your local network using your internet connection.
* The server you are on has its network connection overloaded.
* You are running on a wireless connection with a poor or inconsistent signal.
* You have a Virus or Trojan or Internet Worm infection that is generating traffic.
* You are connected to the internet using a dial-up or other low-speed connection.
* You have your rate or cl_updaterate or cl_cmdrate settings too fast for your internet connection.

You can help to identify and eliminate the source of your problem by:

1. Shut down all unnecessary programs on your computer before playing.
2. Disconnect all other computers in

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